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Everything a Mortgage Guidelines subscription includes…

Ask The Experts – Live Scenario Desk

Ask your mortgage question to our experts with over 30+ years of experience and receive a prompt, direct response! Our experts are heads of underwriting, agency experts, and product development specialists who work for some of the top mortgage companies in the country. No rookies on our Loan Scenario desk! –> See Example Questions


Charts & Checklists

Who has time to look for guidelines from each agency’s website? You need answers fast, and we deliver that through our 100’s of subject charts that compare ALL agencies and investor overlays on one chart, helping you find the answers quickly. Imagine the hours saved when you skip the vertical search through each agency or investor and use our aggregated comparison instead. And don’t worry; our technical team will update the charts as soon as the guidelines change! Also included in this section of our site are Investor Guidelines and Down Payment Assistance Guidelines by state. –> See Examples


Income Analyzers & Calculators

Did you know there are over 50 different types of income!? Our Mortgage Income Analyzers simplify calculating your client’s income by comparing the Agency Guidelines and Investor Overlays for every kind of income. We also host and create calculators to help you with the math! –> See Examples


Learning Resources

One thing you can count on in this industry is that you need to keep learning to stay competitive. Our learning resources are self-guided tutorials that step you through many of the technical subjects you or your team need to know. They are written to make complex subjects simple to understand. –> See Excerpt


Monthly Guidelines Update & The Best of the Ask the Experts

Guidelines change constantly, and keeping up with those changes makes you look smarter than your competition. Our experts review the guideline changes and how they apply to you each month in a quick and easy-to-read format called our “Rules Issue.” Then, we publish our “Q&A Issue,” which is the “Best of” our Ask the Expert questions, monthly, containing a sample of those questions and answers each month to help you learn from questions from your peers.


Agency Bulletins Forms and Guidance

You don’t need to search the agency sites for agency bulletins because we keep them all in one place for you. Once a bulletin is issued, we add it to the site, provide a quick explanation, and update any charts. If it is an urgent update, we email you and post it immediately on our social media sites. 


Lunch & Learn Presentations

Training and education are great ways to inform your referral audience and position yourself as the expert. Our graphics team and technical writers have designed ready-to-customize Lunch & Learn presentations that can be used for in-person meetings, webinars, or self-leaning. And, because we write a script for each presentation, you can use the script to make a quick social media video on many topics. –> See Example


Mortgage Talking Points

Our content developers turn complex guidelines into educational content for your referral audience. Use this content for a quick referral meeting, social media post, video, newsletter, or any other way you distribute information to your audience. –> See Example


Rule Calendar

When an agency issues a guideline change, it does not mean it is effective that day! The new guideline can be based on the closing date, application date, case number assignment, sale to the agency, or any other time frame. Our Rules Calendar shows you when a guideline is changing so you can ensure you don’t miss a crucial rule change.


Social Media Posts

You know that posting regularly captures your network’s eyes and brings you more referrals! Our social media posts make that easy, save you time, and help you stay consistently engaged with your network. We develop the graphic and message; you simply copy and paste it into your social stream. It’s that easy to establish yourself as an industry expert! –> See Example